Inventor of the slatted frame
More than 60 years of experience
Over 400 competent specialised trade partners
Innovation Made in Bremervörde
Mission painless sleep

Legal notice

Information according to § 5 TMG:


Thomas GmbH + Co. Sitz- und Liegemöbel KG 

Walkmühlenstraße 93 

D-27432 Bremervörde 

Phone: (04761) 979-0 

Fax: (04761) 979-161 


Further information on the company: 

Seat of the company: Bremervörde 

Register court: Local court Tostedt, HRA 100800 

General partner: Thomas GmbH, register court: Local Court Tostedt, HRB 100757 

Managing Directors: Boris Thomas, Gunnar Thomas 

Sales tax ID no.: DE812355562

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Boris Thomas 

Thomas GmbH + Co. Sitz- und Liegemöbel KG 

Walkmühlenstraße 93 

D-27432 Bremervörde

Data protection: 

You can find our privacy policy here.

Dispute Settlement / Consumer Dispute Resolution:

The European Union has established an online platform ("OS Platform") for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. The OS Platform is intended to serve as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts. The platform can be found at

As a matter of principle, we are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.